Technologies that i Use


The meaning behind Objected Oriented Programing is to protect the data from external input. But my games is to small to even considering having [Paranoid] server  - [untruthfully] client relation-ship. That aside the work still can safely access needed data between objects, files, and database.

Programing Langue for back side part of soft developing

Unity3D engine

I still remember the moment when i first opened Unity, it was like panic moment: "Why there is so many buttons? What are those symbols? And what those (thingy?) shall means?" But fortunately Unity is easy to start whit wast amount of tutorials, guiding documentation both in text and video. And I am still here, making progress.

development environment

Creative Writer and Illustrator

I write a lot of stories, bot long and short. If i shall speak of numbers, then if i count only my fanfic section, it have over 20 stories and over half million of words. Even if i dint passing the amateur level of quality [gamer] i can still say that I am better that 3/4 of planet. And my subscribers are proof of that.

My Illustrations and Fanart are separate part of story telling when a picture can say a thousand of words. But not being great with pencils or digital pen, i will more like reach for a pen or keyboard and write a thousand of words instead of one picture.

But its true that to get monetize this type of skills, someone shall be in upper 1/8 of the world, to have a real chance.

Story Telling

Level Designer

A good level editor is a quite extending the life power of any game, boosting popularity. As the one who used a several of them as a fan i can say its a whole discipline on its own. I make my own maps/ levels... and there was a several fails, stuff that backfired, and scrapped project... But, by counting all the time, effort and determination that i spent on it... there were few beautiful succeeds.

Long live to scenario editors

Image and sound file editing

As a solo developer i must find the assets [sprite, sfx, music] on my own. Plus when you are poor, then you must look for a free options or be very careful by using always helpful (if not drunk) the Internet. But sometimes the file don't have the right format or there is something that need a editing, like cutting, trimming, repainting, or messing whit (alpha) channels.

Game Asset or Resources

Audacity, Gimp, any other free image editor

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