Projects [EN]



From 29.5 to 14.7 participation in the Kompas competence course.
"The competency course for the purposes of the regional project is the preparation of job seekers for employment on the labor market with the aim of acquiring key competencies..."
in the Java programmer course, I completed video web chapters (course) on HTML, Css, PHP, java, mySql,...

Raptors 2


[Ongoing - In development]
Well i decide to remade the Raptors project based on experiences i get from my project. The goal is to make not just a suitable successor, but to make a game that will be actually worth to be proudly display. I mean it shall have some qualities to even stand a chance on market. But...

Since I am a fan fiction writer and a programmer, it goes without saying that I will eventually look at Visual Novel (Visual Book, ...) In their conception, many digital games are based on a deeply elaborated story, or they make sure that it is a really fat or sporty part of the work. They took some of that concept...

It started with an event called KenneyGameJam, where participants had the task of creating a game in one weekend. However, they only had to use Kenney's materials as game asset.

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